Unleashing The Beauty Of Tunisian Crochet

Tunisian crochet is a gorgeous type of crochet that has been around for centuries. This technique is often used to create blankets, shawls and other types of items that are warm and cozy. 

If you want to learn how to work with Tunisian crochet, there are several things you should know before diving into your project. In this article we’ll go over everything from choosing the right yarn to setting aside enough time for yourself!

Unleash your creativity with these gorgeous Tunisian crochet
Key Points
Tunisian crochet is a unique style that combines elements of crochet and knitting
The technique uses a long hook and a distinct stitch structure to create denser and thicker fabrics
Tunisian crochet offers versatility and is ideal for projects such as blankets, outerwear, and home decor
Learning Tunisian crochet can be achieved through resources such as beginner’s guides, online courses, and video tutorials
Other useful crochet resources include books for learning and mastering the craft and communities for practice and support

Learn the Basics

Tunisian crochet is a technique that uses a long hook and an extended row of stitches to create fabrics. It’s similar to knitting: Depending on the stitch you choose, you can produce an openwork fabric or something denser and more sturdy. 

The name comes from the country in North Africa where this type of crochet originated—Tunisia, but it was also known as “Afghan Stitch” or “Bedouin Stitch.”

Unlike traditional crochet, Tunisian uses two loops at once for every stitch. One loop is held under your thumb on the back side of your work while the other loop sits next to it on top with both hands holding onto each strand separately until you need them for working into each stitch. 

Tunisian crochet looks like knitting and acts like double stranded knitting when crocheting with only one color or two colors at once — this makes it easy for knitters who want to add a little bit of lace into their projects without having to learn new techniques!

To start learning this technique, make sure you have everything set up: yarn (you can use any weight), needles (any size), scissors, notions pouch/bag; note cards; pencils/coloured pens if needed; row counter–these tools will come in handy later when learning how patterns are written out visually rather than verbally so that there are less mistakes made during pattern creation

Learning Tunisian crochet is a great way to expand your skillset and create unique projects. Our Beginner’s Guide to Tunisian Crochet offers step-by-step instructions and helpful tips for those new to the technique.

Block Your Tunisian

Block your Tunisian crochet.

What is blocking?

Blocking is the act of laying your crocheted fabric on a flat surface and using steam, heat or moisture to shape it. Blocking helps to relax the stitches and smooth out any irregularities. It also helps to set drape and maintain size by removing some of the elasticity from your work. Why is blocking important?

Why do we need to block our Tunisian crochet? Because it will allow us to see all the beauty in our work! Without blocking, you won’t be able to see how nice your afghan looks when finished because it won’t lay flat; instead it will curl up into itself like a snake eating its own tail (and that would be gross). 

In order for this process work successfully, there are three things that need to happen: firstly, wetting out any remaining starch (if applicable) with cold water; secondly we want something stiff yet flexible enough not break; thirdly we want something large enough so as not restrict movement while doing so such as those plastic bags they sell at grocery stores which work perfectly well!

Pros and Cons of Blocking Your Tunisian Crochet Projects

Smooths out stitches and improves overall appearanceCan be time-consuming
Allows for shaping and resizing of projectsRequires careful handling of delicate or stretchy fibers
Enhances stitch definition and textureMay not be necessary for all projects or fibers
Can help even out tension and reduce curlingCan potentially damage or warp projects if done incorrectly
Improves drape and wearability of finished itemsMay require additional materials or equipment

Choose the Right Type of Yarn

For beginners, it’s best to choose a yarn that is easy to work with. This will help you avoid frustration and keep you motivated to continue working on your project. 

If you are making a scarf for the first time, consider using a yarn that doesn’t require much blocking or shaping, such as Homespun by Lion Brand Yarns or one of our favorite picks from Red Heart Super Saver Solids!

When choosing your Tunisian crochet yarn, consider the type of projects you want to make and how they will be used. 

A simple scarf in an acrylic or cotton blend might be perfect for everyday wear but not suitable for special occasions. For instance, if you want something dressier than typical cotton or acrylic blends try our selection of Alpaca Yarn! It’s soft like sheep wool but still machine washable!

If you’re new to crochet, it can be overwhelming to find the right project to start with. Our curated list of 10 Easy Crochet Patterns for Beginners has got you covered, with simple and fun patterns to help you gain confidence in your crochet skills.

Don’t Forget the Size of Your Hook

I’m going to get a little technical now, just so you’re prepared. Tunisian crochet is done with a hook that’s slightly bigger than the one used for regular crochet. 

The size of your hook will also determine how tight or loose your work is, so make sure you have one that feels comfortable in your hand and produces results that look good to you.

There are lots of different sizes available—I’ve tried out many myself! But what I’ve found works best for me is simply finding one that feels right in my hand and gives me good results on the hook. If something doesn’t feel right about it, I try another size until something does feel right…and then I’ll stick with whatever size works best from thereon out!

The Importance of Using the Correct Hook Size in Tunisian Crochet

Benefits of Using Correct Hook SizeIssues of Not Using Correct Hook Size
Achieves the desired gauge and stitch countCan result in too many or too few stitches per row
Ensures project dimensions match pattern specificationsCan result in projects that are too large or too small
Produces even and consistent stitches and textureCan create wonky or uneven stitch patterns
Prevents unnecessary strain on hands and wristsCan cause hand fatigue and discomfort
Reduces risk of tangling or splitting yarnCan damage fibers or cause knots while working

Make Sure to Follow Gauge Instructions

Gauge is the number of stitches and rows per inch that you get when knitting or crocheting with a particular yarn. It’s important to follow gauge instructions because if you don’t, your project won’t be the right size.

Create an Even Edge

If you are a Tunisian crochet beginner, you might have noticed that your edges aren’t as neat as they could be. As you work in a spiral and not rows, the edge of your work will be uneven.

It’s easy to fix! You can block your work (I’ll show you how below). Or add a border. Or use a crochet hook that is smaller than the recommended size so that when it comes to fastening off at each end of every row there won’t be so much bulk.

Take your crochet skills to the next level with the beautiful and unique technique of Broomstick Lace Crochet. Our guide to The Art of Broomstick Lace Crochet provides detailed instructions and photos to help you master this intricate and impressive style.

Find a Pattern That’s Right for You

Now that you’ve chosen the type of stitch you want to use, it’s time to decide what kind of project you’d like to create. You’ll need to consider the size and complexity of your project, as well as whether or not it will be made from a kit or if you’ll be customizing one yourself.

If you’re looking for something small and simple, Tunisian crochet lends itself well to scarves and shawls. 

These types of projects are easy enough for beginners but also fun enough for more advanced crocheters who are ready for some new challenges in their work! If a scarf is too pedestrian for your tastes, maybe try making an afghan instead? 

While this may seem like an intimidating idea at first glance (and it can definitely be), Tunisian Crochet afghans are actually very easy once you get used to doing the stitches! 

There are plenty of patterns available online that utilize both row-by-row instructions as well as charts so there’s no reason why anyone should ever feel uncomfortable with how complicated they might seem at first glance 🙂

Considerations When Choosing a PatternBenefits of Choosing the Right Pattern
Skill level and familiarity with the techniqueIncreased likelihood of successful and enjoyable project
Available time and resources for the projectEnhanced learning and skill development
Fiber and color preferencesPersonalized and satisfying finished product
Pattern style and complexityClear and easy-to-follow instructions
Intended use and recipient of the projectCustomizable and adaptable to individual needs

Put Some Thought Into Color Combinations

You can put some thought into color combinations, too. The best-looking Tunisian crochet projects are often the ones that make use of color theory, choosing colors that complement each other and work well together. 

You’ll want to make sure that your finished project is visible, but also visible in the light (which means you can’t use black thread). And don’t worry about what other people think of your choices; there’s no rule saying you have to follow someone else’s advice when it comes to choosing colors!

Crocheting for babies and kids is a fun and rewarding way to create cute and practical items. Discover our collection of Top Crochet Patterns for Baby Items to find inspiration for your next project.”

Remember that It Takes Time and Practice

Tunisian crochet is a great option for beginners, but it does take time to learn. The more you practice and experiment with different stitches, the better you’ll get at Tunisian crochet and the more creative options will open up to you. 

Don’t be discouraged if it takes some time before your projects start looking like your favorite pictures online—they’re not lying when they say practice makes perfect!

The Importance of Patience and Practice in Learning Tunisian Crochet

Benefits of Patience and PracticeIssues Without Patience and Practice
Develops muscle memory and improves techniqueCan lead to frustration and burnout
Builds confidence and skill over timeCan result in giving up on projects or the craft altogether
Encourages experimentation and creativityCan limit growth and exploration of different techniques and patterns
Fosters community and support through shared experiencesCan lead to self-criticism and comparison with others
Allows for adaptation and modification of patterns to suit individual preferencesCan result in mistakes or disappointment with finished projects

Consider How You’re Going to Use Your Project

The first thing to consider is what you plan to do with your project. Will it be something that sits on a shelf and is admired, or are you going to use it? 

The size of your project will determine how much time and money (if any) you need to spend on it. If you’re making an afghan for a baby who won’t be able to use it until they’re five years old, then consider the length of time before they grow out of it.

If you are making an item that requires special skills not yet mastered, such as Tunisian Simple Stitches or Tunisian Simple Stitches in the round, keep in mind that these techniques take practice. You’ll have plenty of time over the next few months while working on your project!

Set Aside Enough Time to Finish It

When you are embarking on a Tunisian crochet project, you’ll want to make sure that you set aside enough time to finish it. Some projects take longer than others, and some may take far less time than the stitch pattern suggests. 

For example, a granny square blanket can take weeks or months depending on your speed and how much time you have for crocheting in between other activities. A baby sweater might only take a few days if you work quickly.

If this project is going to be a gift for someone else—or if it’s just going to be a gift for yourself—then it’s important not only to consider how long it will take but also when that person can expect their gift by so they know whether or not they can wait for its arrival!

Want to add a pop of color and texture to your home decor? Look no further than our guide to Crochet Patterns for Adding Color and Texture to Your Home, featuring patterns and ideas for everything from blankets to wall hangings

Remember That It’s All About Having Fun!

Remember that it’s all about having fun! Crochet is a hobby, and one that you can take at your own pace. 

You may be inspired by some of the amazing patterns and projects out there, but don’t feel pressured to make them on your first try. 

The more you practice, the better you’ll get. And if you need help with any particular step along the way, there are many great resources available (including this blog!) to answer questions or walk you through any difficult steps. 

The point is not for us to become experts overnight; rather, it’s about enjoying the process in its entirety—from learning new skills and improving our craftsmanship every day through experimentation until we’re ready to tackle more advanced designs from talented designers worldwide


Tunisian crochet is a great way for beginners to get started with their own projects. It’s also a fun challenge for more experienced crocheters who want something new to add to their repertoire. Whatever your skill level and interest level, you can find just what you’re looking for in this beautiful craft!

Further reading

Beginner’s Guide to Tunisian Crochet with 10 Modern Projects for You and Your Home: A comprehensive guide to Tunisian crochet, including 10 modern and stylish projects for your home.

Best Crocheting Books: A list of the best books for learning and mastering the art of crochet, as chosen by experts in the field.

Why Crochet is Better Than Knitting: A passionate and informative article explaining why the author believes crochet is a more versatile and enjoyable craft than knitting.


What is Tunisian crochet?

Tunisian crochet, also known as Afghan crochet, is a style of crochet that uses a long hook and combines the techniques of crochet and knitting. It produces a unique and distinct fabric that resembles woven or knit fabric.

How is Tunisian crochet different from regular crochet?

Tunisian crochet uses a longer hook and a unique stitch structure that combines elements of crochet and knitting. The resulting fabric is thicker and denser, making it ideal for projects such as blankets or outerwear.

What are some good resources for learning Tunisian crochet?

There are many resources available for learning Tunisian crochet, including books, online courses, and video tutorials. Check out our Further Reading section for some helpful links.

What are some popular crocheting books?

Some popular crocheting books include “The Crochet Bible” by Sue Whiting, “Crochet Stitch Dictionary” by Sarah Hazell, and “Crochet One-Skein Wonders” by Judith Durant.

How can I improve my crochet skills?

Practice is key for improving your crochet skills. Consider taking a class or workshop, joining a local crochet group or community, and experimenting with new patterns and techniques.